How to Object

Your objection to this proposed development will need to be submitted to North Northamptonshire Council no later than. the 22nd February 2025.

You can do this through their planning portal click here and click Comment on this Application. You can also email your objection to

You will need to input your details, quote the planning application number NK/2024/0717 and click the objection button and state your reasons for your objection. See some ideas opposite.

Alternatively, objections can be sent to North Northamptonshire Council, Bowling Green Road, Kettering NN15 7QX. Please again remember to quote the planning application number on your letter. Email your comments if your letter is more than 2000 characters which is the planning portal’s limit.

I strongly object to the proposed development. I believe this enormous development is out of place in the countryside which should be preserved as green field land and not for development,. The A14 cannot cope with the volume of traffic now and infrastructure will not support this development..

I strongly object against this proposed development as it is not designated land for development and is considered open countryside in the local plan.

I object to the proposed development by Harworth Group. This site has established hedgerows and trees with an abundance of established wildlife and destroying it to build such an overcalled warehouse development should not be approved. There is also the issue of flooding in this area and in heavy rain, the A6/A14 roundabout at Junction 3 is overloaded with water and at times not passable. Having large concrete slabs for warehouse units will encourage further flooding.

Objections letters already submitted by local residents

“It is a huge development which will overpower and adversely affect the character of Rothwell.
It will be over bearing due to the enormous structures proposed, and no amount of landscaping will mitigate this.

It means the loss of valuable countryside with long established hedges trees and wildlife all disappearing.
Traffic volumes generated cannot be accommodated without major redevelopment of the A14, the small roundabouts either side at J3, as well as the Rothwell/Desborough bypass first. This is not to mention the strain to be put on roads in Rothwell such as Fox Street and Harrington Road, these are already completely saturated”.

This warehousing development potentially will operate 365 days per year 24 hours per day, with lorries coming and going to the site. This will have a detrimental effect on noise, light pollution, infrastructure, road network and wildlife. The construction period could last as long as 5 years.

J2 and J3 of the A14 is two lanes and the slip road of J3 is short which will not be suitable for HGV exiting this junction.

Local roads through villages such as Harrington, Orton and Loddington are used as 'rat runs' which will become more intolerable should this development go ahead. Harworth Group say that a new roundabout will be built on the small country Harrington Road will ease traffic flow in and out of the site. This does not address the already congested A14 Junction 3 and a new roundabout will have little impact. In villages such as Harrington, there is a 7.5 tonne weight restriction on vehicles. Between J2 and J3 of the A14, traffic is gridlocked and vehicles including HGV are blatantly using the village to cut through back to the A14, with no regard of the weight restricted road up to 7.5 ton using all these roads including the restricted ones.

This development is potentially warehouses with a roof height of around 14m high and would have a detrimental visual and environmental impact on Rothwell and surrounding areas.

“I object to this plan due to the irreversible damage this will cause to Rothwell and surrounding villages. We are losing more green areas day by day, our countryside and our wildlife should be protected. It will drive more traffic through our town when our roads are in such disrepair they will not cope. Our drainage is already terrible with flooding every time it rains. Building on green lands & farm lands will negatively impact this further. We already have terrible noise, air and light pollution from the A14 itself. Creating warehouses will increase this with more cars & lorry's driving through the area. The only positive thing we have left around here is our lovely views, soon to be destroyed by this awful plan. We urge you to reconsider!!!”

“We strongly object to this  planning application on the following grounds. This is my initial objection there may be further to follow.

The Harworth Group did not carry out a proper public consultation they had a small room at the local school with only three people and I understand they took no notes and people were queueing to ask questions and in the end walked away.

Notifying people who would be affected, they only notified houses within a one-mile radius which took in a small part of Rothwell, Thorpe Underwood, yet, not Harrington, Lamport, Loddington, Kelmarsh, Orton, Desborough and others, these would all be badly affected if these Warehouses were to be built because of the narrow winding roads that will be used as rat runs, so the increase in traffic through our village of Harrington and other villages would be horrendous”. Continued here

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