Protecting our green fields against warehouse development

Rothwell Against Warehousing (RAW)

RAW represents the residents of Rothwell and surrounding villages to protect our landscape against more unnecessary warehousing development. Help us save our rural landscape.

Latest News



Open Public Meeting We had a fantastic response to our open public meeting and would like to thank everyone in attending, sharing your concerns and asking lots of questions. Not long left to put your objection forward. If you need help with this, please email us.

Rothwell Town Council vote unanimously to oppose Harworth’s planning application at their meeting on 23/01/2024

RAW Campaign Growing. News of the local community’s opposition to the proposed developed is attracting media attention.

RAW Public Meeting date set. RAW will be holding an Open Meeting at Holy Trinity Church Rothwell at 7pm on Wednesday 29 January - attendance welcome!

Harworth Lodges Formal Application on 17/01/2025

North Northamptonshire Council extended the deadline date due to huge volume of opposition.

Time is of the essence now that the formal application has been received. Objections to this proposed development will need to be submitted to North Northamptonshire CounciL

The application can be found here and objections can be registered via the North Northamptonshire Council planning portal.

See our How to Object section for more guidance.

Delivery of Objection letter to NNC offices

What we know

Harworth Group purchased Nunnery Farm near Rothwell with its 120 acres of rural green land in 2021. The site is adjacent to the A14 Junction 3 and the A6 roundabout.

Harworth’s proposal is to gain outline planning permission to develop approximately 1.8 Million square feet of industrial and logistics warehousing.

An application has been submitted and has now been validated by North Northamptonshire Council.

Planning application number is NK/2024/0717.

This development is HUGE!

To put it into context …

The proposed development will cover an area of land that is close to 100 full size football pitches! Click here to see the marked land Harworth have put in planning permission to erect their warehousing.

See also our drone footage of the gridlocked traffic experienced nearly every day on the A14/A6 and surrounding areas.

The potential height of these warehouses could be around 14.3m or 44 feet in height, that’s equal to 2 x two storey houses, one on top of another, with significant visual impact.

There will be increased HGV traffic in the area, potentially 600 lorries in and out of the development daily, adding further congestion on our roads leading to and from the site and likely cause further delays on the A14.

Light, noise and air pollution will be generated by the 24/7 operations from the development, not to mention the impact on established wildlife.

The A14 was originally built to take 30,000 vehicles. Today it carries around 80,000.

See our drone footage here of the already congested A14/A6.

Here’s a 3D representation of the development, produced by one of our RAW campaign team.

It’s an monstrosity and ruining our countryside.

What can we do …

Now the planning application has been validated (NK/2024/0717), we now have 21 days to raise our objections. Objections need to be submitted to North Northamptonshire Council no later than 22 February 2025. You can do this by clicking the link here to take you to the planning application.

See our “How to Object” for help and suggestions.